Warum Männer andere Hautpflege benötigen als Frauen

Why men need different skincare than women

Men's skin differs from women's skin in several ways and therefore has different skincare needs. You should therefore use skincare products that are specifically tailored to your skin type. For example, men's skin is up to 25% thicker than that of women. But there are other differences too.

Different sebum production

Due to our significantly higher testosterone levels, we men have more and significantly larger sebaceous glands, which also produce around 30% more skin oil. This is not fundamentally a negative thing, as this oil forms a protective layer on the surface of the skin and ensures that less moisture is lost. This protects the skin from drying out and makes it appear smoother. Unfortunately, this also increases the risk of blemishes. This is because testosterone also causes the cells in the ducts of the sebaceous glands to become more keratinised. As the ducts become narrower and the sebum that makes its way to the surface of the skin becomes more and more concentrated, the result is a blockage. This sebum plug - also known as a blackhead - blocks the excretory duct. Bacteria find optimal living conditions in this plug. As these bacteria break down the sebum, free fatty acids are produced which can lead to inflammation and thus pimples or even acne. When the peak of maximum sebum production is over - i.e. from the mid to late 20s - this decreases again and from around the age of 30 the sebaceous glands produce around a third less fat. This then manifests itself in increased dry skin and a loss of tone and elasticity.

Prevention is better than cure

Incidentally, we men are somewhat longer protected from developing wrinkles than women, which is mainly due to the larger amount of collagen fibres in our skin. Unfortunately, this process sets in all the faster from our mid to late 30s, which can lead to deep wrinkles, dark circles and bags under the eyes. Prevention is therefore better than fighting the symptoms, so you can never start too early with effective skin care.

Effect of Jungkraut products

Our natural Jungkraut skincare products have been developed by men for men and are optimised to meet the needs of men's skin. Our Botanical Power Face Wash is suitable for all skin types and effectively removes impurities that lead to clogged pores and impurities and strengthens the skin's natural flora. Our Alpine Performance Face Fluid soothes the skin and provides it with long-lasting moisture, especially when the skin starts to feel tight and dry - whether in winter or generally in men over the age of 30 - but unlike many skincare products developed for women, which are often only adapted to men's tastes in terms of smell, they are never greasy. The Glacier Active Eye Serum is perfect for all men (rumour has it that even your partners love it) who are looking for a freshness boost for the eye area and want to say no to tired-looking eyes and thus prevent wrinkles and bags under the eyes in the long term.

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